Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Current To Do List

I want to...
write a blog post at least once a week.
talk to my friends on the phone more.
upload pictures more often.
have a craft night at least once a month.
make new friends.
complete one project on my "apartment remodel list" daily.
own a DSLR camera.
plan a trip for our 6th anniversary.
have more dinner parties.
do every touristy activity in oklahoma.
train for another half marathon.
get a haircut.
visit the big pool and the splash pad.  I wish the kiddie pools were still around.
take photos of all the old landmarks and buildings in Seminole.
get a bike with a kid attachment.
host a lot of friends and family from all over the world.
go to Seminole High School football games.
play tennis with my dad.
be more civic minded.
own an ipad.
take a really good design class.
play bingo at the american legion.
enroll in a cooking class with Brent.
be a pro at home refurbishing and remodeling.
be on "The Apprentice".
watch more lighting storms with my husband.
pick blackberries.
camp out a ton this summer.
visit Stillwater.
go to garage sales.
spend more time with family.

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