Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dressing Up in Years Past

I thought it would be fun to post some old pics of when Brent and I have dressed in costumes. This is not his favorite thing to do but he does it anyway. What a sweet husband! Be on the look out for this year's costumes. Pictures coming soon!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Something other than baby talk

We noticed that almost all our posts are about our little guy soon to enter the world (4 weeks and 4 days to be exact) but there is a lot more to us than just this new addition. We wanted to let the blog world know a little more about us and what we do. We have lived in Los Angeles for over 2 years. Brent liked L.A. right away but it took quite a while for Franci to warm up to this place. Especially since we used to live right outside of San Francisco. There was SO much she liked about the bay area that it took some digging to find treasures here in So Cal. Now she can confidently say that L.A. is home.

We are part of a church called Mosaic which is just what we think church should be. It is innovative, creative, and open to all. Every Wednesday we meet with a married couples small group. The people in this group rock and have become like family to us. We are also huge fans of Dave Ramsey and Financial Peace University. We have facilitated several classes since we have lived in L.A. and there is nothing like seeing people gain control of their money, pay off debt, and start winning financially.

As far as how we pay the bills, Brent works for a company called CLP Resources in which he is a recruiter for the construction industry. But his real passion is Financial Coaching. He has started his own business on nights and weekends. Check out his blog. Franci worked in the corporate world for a while but realized it is not the place for her. So she pursued a long time desire to learn graphic design. She took a Photoshop class and the rest is history. Take a peek at her blog. This has been a dream come true because she gets to work from home and do something she really enjoys.

As far as our day to day life goes:
  • We like to take walks
  • Work out or swim at the Y
  • We cook dinner every night except Saturday
  • Saturday night is usually always date night :)
  • Grabbing coffee at Peet's and going to garage sales is a weekend treat
  • We live on a budget and really try hard to never spend anything that is not on the budget
  • We like writing down goals for our future
  • We miss our families, but are thankful for the way technology makes it so easy to communicate
  • Exploring areas of Southern California is one of our hobbies
  • We use Yelp for every out-to-eat choice, we heart good food and L.A. has a ton of variety
  • We try to eat one meal a week without meat
  • We believe in celebrating even the small stuff, so we are always planning a party or celebration
Thanks for reading!

Baby Nook Sneak Peek

I have been planning and dreaming about this little space for our baby for months now. It is almost finished. I am so excited and I think it is going to turn out just as I have hoped. I have been sewing, hammering, screwing, and cleaning. Brent graciously put together the crib and the changing table.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Big Bear Baby Moon

This is our porch and the fireplace with Christmas decor and stuffed squirrels dressed as maids??? What??!!
Some more of the squirrel decor!
The place was not so bad, I know it is hilarious that it is themed and decorated with squirrels but it was clean and inexpensive. We are so thankful we were able to take this little trip. It was a huge blessing and wonderful to see how God provided for it.

We got all dressed up and took a few shots our last day there.
Brent showing off his belly at 32 weeks!

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