Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Baby Nook - Final

Here are pics of the baby nook. It is located in the corner of our bedroom. We have a 1 bedroom apartment. It works for us. When G was about 4 months old we started moving him (after he fell asleep) into our living room to sleep in his travel crib for the night. We have continued that to this day. He takes all his naps in his crib here in the baby nook.
Crazy fun animals the gals from my shower made for baby G.
This is a bookshelf converted into a closet. His clothes are hanging behind the curtain. The stripped curtain is actually a duvet cover that I folded in half. When G gets older he can use it as a duvet cover.
"Tweet" and "Hoot" birds on top of cabinet made by Brent's mom (Marmee), "Now I lay me down to sleep" cross stitch by the late Nanny Neal, and Grant Prayer Sign by cousin Becca Daniel.
Since I wanted to do a woodland animals theme for his nook I thought trees would be fitting. I created this wall covering with a little inspiration from Dwell Studio. I used 4 huge white foam poster boards, lots of brown and green foam sheets and even more hot glue. To see more things I create click here.
His bumper was also a duvet cover that I seam ripped then sewed together to create a bummer cover.
It has stripes on the other side.
This mobile is from Brent's dad (Grandee). It is made with tiny frisbees.
It has been so helpful to have a musical mobile over the changing table.
The painting is something I did our first year of marriage.

Stuff to do while nursing...

I don't know about you but there came a point where staring lovingly at my baby while he ate simply got boring. I know that sounds cruel and horrible but I am hoping some moms out there can relate with me. I wanted to share some things I found interesting while nourishing my child. Write me a comment and let me know what you do!

  • Play Angrybirds - I was disinterested in this game until it was 3am and I had nothing else to do. It is actually pretty fun.
  • Words with Friends
  • Call a friend
  • Log Breastfeeding times
  • Find an app to log your breastfeeding sessions
  • Make grocery list
  • Watch hulu
  • Eat
  • Sleep or cat nap
  • Plan your day - go get some sunshine
  • Read book
  • Read mag
  • Read newspaper
  • Make a list of everything you want to do now that you are no longer prego
  • Shop on Craigslist for good deals on baby items
  • Stare at your toes and wish for a pedicure
  • Call and make a pedicure appointment
  • Listen to a podcast - I like "Stuff you Missed in History Class" or "This American Life"
  • Dave Ramsey podcast - Fridays are really good with the debt free screams
  • Listen to the news at NPR.com
  • Watch a youtube channel - Shaytard (cool family videos of a guy and his wife with 4 kids)
  • There is always facebook
  • Goggle all the questions you have regarding your newborn (check later for an entire post on this subject)
  • Read the Bible (You Version app)
  • Listen to a sermon at mosaic.org
  • Clip your baby's nails
  • Make a to do list of all the things you will do when you have free time
  • Pray
  • Pray for your baby
  • Stare at your baby
  • Pray for your baby's future spouse
  • Ask your husband to get you stuff or clean stuff. I would always think of things that needed to be done ASAP while I was feeding Grant and therefore begged Brent to do them.
  • Pray for your husband :)
  • Read blogs
  • Listen to a book on tape
  • Text a friend
  • Pat yourself on the back -- you are doing a great job and your baby is VERY thankful
  • Post a pic of your kid
  • Listen to music - Find a new Pandora station

I know this may seem like a rather long list but you spend A LOT of time nursing your baby. It is crazy to think about how many hours I sat in that rocking chair. Use your time wisely to feed your soul and your mind. What do you do?

Nitty Gritty on Grant - Month 4

People tell mommy and daddy that you are a "Thinker"
Arching on your side is a daily fav
You squeal in delight -- This is one of the best sounds around!
We call you "The Drool Monster"
You are a smile factory
When leaned up against the couch cushion you sit up well
Still quiet in bath
You have discovered toys --- pat at toys near you
Will sit and listen to 2 short books
5 o'clock forward you are Mr. Fussy Pants
Your favorite noise is the sound of someone brushing their teeth
Lift your eyebrows just like daddy
Love to watch ceiling fan, it really calms you
You are checking out your hands these days
Prefer belly for playtime rather than back
You like it when mama sings patty cake :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

100th Day!!!!! (February 21, 2011)

This is the 100th day! It is a bitter sweet day. I can't believe we all made it 100 days. I can't believe how much g has changed. I am sad that he is not a tiny little guy but also so excited about how much he has grown. I have to admit it has not been easy to make sure I take a picture every day or post all of them here on the blog. But I know in time we will be so thankful to have all these special memories. Happy 100th to you Grant!

First 100 days - Week 14

Day 92 - Car ride
Day 93 - Shark is still attacking
Day 94 - Check out this video (toy discovery) and this video (patty cake)
Day 95 - What would we do without the swing? New parents this is on the "must have" list.
Day 96 - Baby back side
Day 97 - Reading with mama
Day 98 - Hiding under the blanket - Hiking at Griffith Park
Day 99 - Daddy needs a hat too! :)

First 100 days - Week 13

Day 85 - Superbowl Party at Beverly Hills Country Club with Mosaic
Day 86 - Who goes there?
Day 87 - New Phil and Ted's Travel Crib - Time to move out of mom and dad's room
Day 88 - 2 different outfits within 10 minutes - Needless to stay it was a challenging day!
Day 89 - Trader Joe's
Day 90 - Sneezing milk curds - I cleaned him up right after the pic. :)
Day 91 - Diaper change in Manhattan Beach - Hanging out celebrating Valentine's Day

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Slacker Mom

Okay people, I need to apologize for not updating this blog more. I have so many ideas and dreams for this blog but other things like watching "Friday Night Lights" get in the way. I really want everyone to stay connected with us and see little Grant as he grows up. I plan on finishing the First 100 Days posts even though they are WELL overdue. I also plan to put up the Nitty Gritty Newsletters for the months I have missed. Our baby is almost 7 months old already! Crazy! We have been traveling a ton. We have been to Oklahoma twice, Dallas once, Tennessee, and Alabama since March.
I am still trying daily to enjoy Grant at his exact stage and not wish for him to be any older or younger. I have really been blessed with a fantastic mom's groups that meets every Tuesday. We share everything about being moms. If you are a new mom I would highly encourage you to find some other first time moms and get connected.
Bye for now.
Of course, I could not say good bye without letting you see one current pic. :)

Nitty Gritty on Grant - Month 3

This month you have been up to the following:
Tracking very well with your eyes
Recognize mom and dad's faces (enter smiley faces here)
You laugh and talk in your crib during the morning time
You have stable head control
Sleep better at naps
Distracted by sounds: neighbor baby crying, dump truck, etc.
Crinkly paper lover
No more swaddle, you have graduated to a sleep sack
Brown specs in your eyes
Grip mama's fingers
Love movement - cry in car when stopped but silent when moving
Definitely a morning person
Get your floor exercises in everyday

First 100 Days - Week 12

Day 78 - Saturday PJ party
Day 79 - Noah's Ark Outfit handmade my Marmee
Day 80 - Wal-Mart (Yes, we live in L.A. and still go to Wal-Mart)
Day 81 - Brown eyed boy
Day 82 - Airplane with Daddy (not sure if he likes it yet)
Day 83 - Sitting up on the sofa
Day 84 - This is so we can remember what he looks like when he is screaming
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